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We are a Boutique with Heart and Soul
Growing up my siblings and I never had very much money. I remember when it felt like we were the only kids in school with hand me down clothes and eating government cheese. Which was really good cheese by the way! I was very grateful for the clothes our mom would make for us and the clothes from others who gave them to us. My dad worked 3 jobs to feed us while mom stayed home raising us, leading a softball team, being a girl scout leader and the neighborhood babysitter. I was very grateful to have a hard working loving family! However I also remember how it felt when kids would make fun of me and my siblings. I couldn’t understand why? We were always very clean and very nice to everyone. Fast forward through life and changes that were made once I was old enough to make them. I got my first job at 12 as a newspaper girl, getting up at 4am, folding and packaging the papers then getting on my hand-me-down bike to deliver them before school. On weekends I spent those days collecting the money for those papers. (remember the movie saying “I want my $2”? That was me! That experience plus the hand me downs, government cheese and hard working parents taught me to save money and work hard.

I want you to look amazing
Those experiences also made me a very humble, passionate person and very considerate of others' situations. Once I turned 16 I started working retail. My first retail job was in shoes (not my fav), then at 17 I was a waitress (again not a fav) then at 18 I got a retail job at a higher end store and became a manager within a year. I loved retail!! Helping the customers find and put together something that made them feel special and look amazing! It also felt great to get repeat customers who would ask for me because I listened to them and cared. As a manager, on slow days I would also let my employees have fashion shows…probably could have gotten into trouble for that one, but HEY-we were team building & they were great employees! By this time in my life I was a senior in high school and had enough money saved to buy a brand new Ford Escort. Everyone wanted to be my friend then because I had a car, however I still had to work most of the time and I loved it. I dreamed that one day maybe I could start my own retail business and maybe my own brand. As life went on I noticed a pattern of loving to help others while on vacations. I would make friends with different homeless who had the best stories! Listen to them and share a meal. I loved it and so did they!

Making Life better for others
In one of my jobs I played Santa in my spare time off the clock for our company. Through the month of December, I would answer Santa letters from kids. They were so fun to read and answer. About 2 weeks before Christmas I would also collect donations from co-workers or others who could donate to give a needy family a Christmas who couldn’t afford one. I collected names from a church or big charity organization to get names of needy families, shop for that family, wrap the presents and kindly give them to mom or dad for the kiddos a day or two before Christmas. The joy on mom or dad's face was the best feeling! I also help at events at no charge other than to see smiles and know that I was a part of something bigger. I soon realized I was becoming consumed with making life better for others around me who grew up in situations like mine that were out of their control, people who might feel helpless and/or useless.

Let's Do This
Today I work in HR for a global company! Although I love the company I work for and carry the same helpful personality, my passion is retail & helping others in greater need. Which is kind of funny because I do not enjoy shopping for myself but love to shop for others! Shopping for others is one of the many reasons I started Crimson Soul Boutique! It never gets old to see someone smile when they get something they love!
So here we are! Let's do this! Let's see if we can merge retail and helping others all in one!